Breakfast Club was founded by four friends, Jake, Grant, Justin and Matt, who would meet on Saturday mornings to ride bikes, but only as an excuse to eat breakfast and hang out after. The love of coffee, community and consuming more calories than burned always outshined the time that spent climbing hills. Breakfast Club was started as a way to break the group ride norms: we like to ride hard, we like to ride slow, we like to ride flats and we like to ride hills, but most importantly we like to ride with others. Everyone starts and finishes at the same place, regardless of speed and distance, and everyone from first time riders to world tour all stars are welcome. Bring a bike, a helmet, a couple bucks for breakfast, and leave the ego at home.

From a group of four less than skilled people on a bike, Breakfast Club has grown to a once-a-month, upwards of 800 rider experience at Central Machine Works, alongside smaller rides at The Meteor Cafes, gravel rides around Central Texas with the Gravel Gang, weekly Babes Rides, and other pop-ups. If you think you “don’t ride enough” or “don’t want to slow anyone down” then we’re here to tell you that doesn’t apply here. Breakfast Club is for everyone and here’s HOW IT WORKS.